Sunday, March 8, 2009

78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask & Answer

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Have just downloaded this eBook and found it very useful! 78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask & Answer. I just flipped a few pages and stopped when i read this (let me quote):

"One who never asks either knows everything or nothing"
Malcolm Forbes, American Publisher

Ha ha ha --- friends, u must be asking why do I read these type of books now. Why now? I am 27 years old this year and just figured out that I have not achieved any BIG thing in my whole life yet, as planned! What happens to "be a successful person before I reach 30s"?.

Yes, syukur alhamdulillah --- had scored in UPSR, PMR & SPM with flying colors but why did I stop? I REALIZED --- it's not TOO LATE to re-start! And to keep on moving and improving, I have to WAKE UP

1 comment:

nittrell said...

MaYbe u Can StarT with....STOP LaUgHin'??HeHe